
Car Buying Tips: Feeling Used
Every year over ten million vehicles pass through U.S. auto dealer auctions and kelly blue books documents it all. This decades old free market has always been dependent on you, the consumer. Dealers will bid up those models that are popular with buyers, while those with a limited audience are stuck in what’s commonly called… Read This Article

For 41 years Jane Hoyt has been driving her baby blue 1975 VW Beetle. Is it love? Madness? A ’70’s thing? When I asked her about the appeal of her longtime automotive companion, it was none of the above. “It’s a story of inertia. Really, it’s a metaphor for my life. I always stay too… Read This Article

How We Figure Out The Score
Back in 2012 when we first launched the Long-term Quality Index site, Steve and I worked on putting together the Quality Index Rating (QIR). We made it simple. 50 was the average score which was then a Chevy Impala. 100 represented the best model which turned out to be the Toyota Land Cruiser, and those that hovered… Read This Article

The Car Owned By Cats: Sandra’s Steenkin’ Lincoln
You know a car is in trouble when it’s owned by cats. This once proud luxury car had fallen into a rancid feline funk. Cats sunbathing on the roof. Scratch marks on the outside vinyl that had gone from small rivlets to rippling rapids. Even a few dozen tears in the seats from my girlfriends… Read This Article