
Better Than New – 2010 Ford Escape Hybrid
“Dear God. Please Don’t let anyone else buy this thing.” I had been at an auto auction way out in Georgia’s Deliverance country. The accents were thick, the bidding action was surprisingly thin, and a 2010 Ford Escape Hybrid stood in all of its squarish two-ton glory on the auction block. Nobody was biting. $6,000… Read This Article

A Day At The Auto Auction : Thousand Of Used Cars… And Three Good Ones
If it has four wheels and an engine chances are it will wind up here. A wholesale auto auction. Millions of vehicles that are traded-in, leased, rented and repossessed will find their way to a free market that’s usually the size of about thirty football fields. It’s capitalism incarnate. The highest bidder becomes the next… Read This Article

You Want To Be A Car Dealer? Trust Me. You Don’t!
Morning phone rings at my car lot… Me: Hello? Random Stranger: Hi there, like, I have this friend you know and he told me that you finance vehicles, and his name is Emmanuel and aahhh, like I was wondering, well, uh, do you have any Toyotas and like, do you, ummm… finance vehicles you know?… Read This Article

If Your Car Was The President, Would You Vote For It?
It always amuses me whenever I hear someone espouse an economic theory as a means for humanity to be saved. Libertarianism, socialism, capitalism… all ISMs MISS the details. Capitalism without checks and balances often leads to corruption and price gouging by the limited few who hold the pricing power in the marketplace. Socialism leads to… Read This Article

How Trust Influences The Cars We Buy
Trust is critical to everything you buy; from a dollar can of Coke to a $68,000 Tesla. In the used car market though, that trust can make you completely blind to a long list of vehicles that are unpopular, but reliable. Let me give you two examples of how trust can either lead to your… Read This Article