
Car Buying Tips: Feeling Used
Every year over ten million vehicles pass through U.S. auto dealer auctions and kelly blue books documents it all. This decades old free market has always been dependent on you, the consumer. Dealers will bid up those models that are popular with buyers, while those with a limited audience are stuck in what’s commonly called… Read This Article

For 41 years Jane Hoyt has been driving her baby blue 1975 VW Beetle. Is it love? Madness? A ’70’s thing? When I asked her about the appeal of her longtime automotive companion, it was none of the above. “It’s a story of inertia. Really, it’s a metaphor for my life. I always stay too… Read This Article

The Test Drive
Some guides offer 72 things you absolutely should do to a car before buying it. The problem is many folks can’t even remember three. Lists are complicated. Human beings are slightly harder to grasp, and figuring out the condition of a used car is a lot like trying to cup a drink of water with… Read This Article

Why Cheap Gas Is Great For America
Americans are not only saddled with the financial debts of their ancestors, but also the almost unkillable parasites of old school crony capitalism. There is always a price paid for a loophole that keeps prices high and competition low. It’s been the American way of life for a long time. The cable and cell phone… Read This Article

Hammer Time: Two Steps To The Left
When you have over 120 pairs of eyeballs looking at the same exact vehicle at an auto auction, you know the price of whatever sells is going to be high. So what do you think this 2014 Toyota Prius with only 344 miles went for back in late 2014 when gas prices started to crash?… Read This Article

Why Boring Cars Are Beautiful
Two jobs. A $20 a week food budget. College courses designed to challenge your mind and bust your balls. And a boring car. What an awesome life! Well at first, it was… damn good. See a car to me meant freedom. Not only to emancipate myself to the South and get rid of my hideous… Read This Article
Hammer Time! : The Beater & The Better
Most families I know own two types of vehicles. There’s the beater that simply gets driven without a solitary care in the world. With beaters, the cleaning is always optional and the bad driving habits of every family member comes standard. Then there is the ‘better’ car. The one that offers a lot more show… Read This Article