
A Gearhead’s Night Before Christmas
‘Twas the night before Christmas And my kettle was a boil Cuz I was in the ice cold Changing my motor oil I bought the quarts cheap And the filter was a Pronto Thanks to end of year closeouts At Advance and Rockauto Two dollars a quart And a dollar a filter Those… Read This Article

Hammer Time! Financing An Overgrown Kid
Customer on phone: “What about that silver sports car with the stickshift you got on your lot?” Steve: “That’s $4500” C: “Are you financing it?” S: “Nope. That one’s a cash deal fella’ but I have finance companies that will usually work with you to get the car bought. Is this for you or a… Read This Article

Hammer Time: Two Steps To The Left
When you have over 120 pairs of eyeballs looking at the same exact vehicle at an auto auction, you know the price of whatever sells is going to be high. So what do you think this 2014 Toyota Prius with only 344 miles went for back in late 2014 when gas prices started to crash?… Read This Article
How Long Do Electric Batteries Really Last?
It took about 10 months and countless hours of PR babble-speak to finally find out the answer. Hope you enjoy it. http://www.thedrive.com/opinion/4802/h…
Hammer Time! : The Beater & The Better
Most families I know own two types of vehicles. There’s the beater that simply gets driven without a solitary care in the world. With beaters, the cleaning is always optional and the bad driving habits of every family member comes standard. Then there is the ‘better’ car. The one that offers a lot more show… Read This Article
Hammer Time! : The Lucky Lexus
It’s all of 18 months old and already has 2 owners, 5 accidents, and not a single straight body panel anywhere in sight. You can simply call it by its new name, “Lucky!” Lucky went for all of $25,400 plus a $500 buyer fee at a dealer auction here in Atlanta, Georgia . This… Read This Article

How To Talk To The Seller… Who May Not Be The Owner
By owner? Yeah right! Dealers masquerading as individuals on Craigslist are as common as potholes in New Jersey. In fact, they may be even more common than that. If you shop on Craigslist, you will quickly find that there are a not-so-small army of dealers and private sellers who are selling cars under an alias…. Read This Article

How To Read A Carfax Report
The one thing I always do regardless of whatever I buy or sell is get a history report. These reports, whether from Carfax or elsewhere, keep me from wasting time on cars that are true junk, and others that look good but have hidden issues that make them rolling money pits. Just how much can… Read This Article

How To Find Out The Real History Of A Used Car
Most folks who read a history report solely focus on three simple things. How many owners? How many accidents? Maintenance Records This is the absolute worst thing you can do. Ever. Why? Because it isn’t the real story of that used car. The real story with every single used car begins at the ending –… Read This Article

How To Buy A Great Used Car
You say you would never be a sucker for those used cars that truly suck. But most used cars that have chronic problems aren’t easy to spot. They’re dressed up, advertised well, and sold by those who know the truth when it comes to the American consumer. Most folks out there will fall in love… Read This Article